16 ti letá aktivistka

Update 28. brezna:  Daleko chytreji a hloubeji popsal tenhle spolecensky jev  Lubos Motl ve svem dnesnim blogu.  Treba mu opet nekdo zacne vyhrozovat soudem a financni pokutou, co si to dovoluje psat o te mlade idealisticke divce a at si nemysli, ze lze beztrestne  v liberalni demokracii  napadat urazlivymi posmesky lidi, kteri maji proste jen  jiny nazor a mysli ho (ten svuj "prirodopisny svetonazor")  uprimne. No a to prirovnani k Pavliku Morozovi, ikone svobodnych medii  (pozn. tehda se rikalo uvedomelych ale znamenalo to  v podstate totez -  podivejte se,  co napsalo  95% mainstreamu "vyspeleho sveta" o zmenach klimatu a globalnim oteplovani v poslednich 25 letech: je to hloupe, je to stadne uvedomele, je to nepratelske kritickemu mysleni, je li to i "svobodne"?  tak co tohleto  adjektivum pak vlastne znamena? ) stalinske ery  samozrejme napadne kazdeho,  kdo  ma jakesi poneti o spolecenskych jevech a hnutich obdobi "pred stvorenim sveta" tedy pred rokem 1989... https://motls.blogspot.com/2019/03/greta-thunberg-when-discussion-becomes.html#more

However, what is completely fake is the idea that she deserves to be covered by the media. She and her attitudes and gestures might be "real" but the idea that they should be widely discussed or even praised by the media is ludicrous. In other words, what is completely artificial is the "selection" of this "story" which must be considered a fabrication by the media. Incidentally, in a monologue, she said "it's amazing, if I can be in so many newspapers by skipping the classes, we can do so many things together". She must have missed that there is nothing amazing about it because some 98% of the media have been conquered by scientifically illiterate far left-wing activists for many years. They still haven't achieved anything except for spreading falsehoods and poisoning the atmosphere in the society. Thankfully, almost all of their credibility has already evaporated...I can't be certain that the kids really believe what they say but the appearances surely suggest that they have been more thoroughly brainwashed than any kids I have met during the communism of the 1980s. Maybe these present kids could be compared to some kids of the Stalin era. But I wasn't alive yet. I find it rather likely that their loss of common sense probably exceeds that of any kids from the Stalin era, too. (Incidentally, especially because Greta and kids are being framed as antagonists of their parents, there is a striking similarity between the Thunberg symbol and a notorious martyr in the Stalinist propagandist mythology, Pavlik Morozov

Update 16.brezna. Viz take tenhle dnesni  clanek  a  nazorne  fotografie  demonstrujici zblble mladeze
Nova svetova divci celebrita
https://ekolist.cz/cz/zpravodajstvi/zpravy/propadnete-panice-prala-16leta-aktivistka-mocnym-v-davosu https://edition.cnn.com/2019/01/25/europe/greta-thunberg-davos-world-economic-forum-intl/index.html etc.     Teprve sestnactileta  - a uz tak uvedomela, ze dokaze svym zapalem zahanbit i nejprednejsi statniky, bohate prumyslniky, protrele lobbisty  a vlivne intelektualy z  prestiznich thinktanku pro vyzkum a tvorbu verejneho mineni -  schazejici se na  nejprednejsich svetovych forech.  Pritom  ta divcina je agilni aktivistkou  - celebritou v boji za spasu svetoveho klimatu - uz asi dva roky! https://ekolist.cz/cz/zpravodajstvi/zpravy/davos-kdyz-na-jednani-o-klimatu-tak-soukromym-tryskacem

Prekonat v tomto  ji svym mladim, nezkazenym idealismem a nadsenim pro svatou vec- a naslednou zaslouzenou popularitou ve svobodnych mediich  (by)  dokazal snad jen  Pavlik Morozov  davne pameti  pred skoro  90 lety. To je on:


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